Blueclino With Aluminum Frame

FOWLER BlueCLINO is based on the proven Clino 2000 design. The new Blue Clino features a large, full-color display and a number of new innovations.


• Large and very well readable color display:

– Various color profiles can be chosen

– Various display methods like bar graphs or spirit levels can be chosen

– All current units can be indicated

• High Precision over the whole measuring range of ±60° with integrated temperature compensation

• Resolution: 5 arc sec/0.025mm/m

• The internal software, together with a reversal measurement allows, a simple zero setting

• The instrument can be re-calibrated with the help of optional calibration tools. This process is supported by the internal software

• Rugged housing, rust protected, with prismatic bases made out of either aluminum hard anodized or cast iron

• Built-in cross vial for easy alignment of the vertical axis in order to avoid “twist errors’

• The instrument is compatible with a whole range of digital sensors 

• Powered with common 1.5V Batteries, rechargeable batteries or with mains adapter

• Fulfils the strict CE requirements (immunity against electromagnetic smog)

• The instrument can be adjusted to the local gravitation

Measuring Range:  ± 60 degrees STANDARD Setting Time:  Value available after / <5 sec

Resolution:  Depends on units set / 5 Arcsec (approx. 0.025 mm/m)

Limits of error within 6 months / Gain (TA = 20ºC):  <12 Arcsec + 0.027 % R.O. (R.O. = Read-out)

Limits of error at – 45°, 0°, + 45° right  after quick calibration, using the  calibration aids / gain:  Limits of error as above in the range of ± 45°, but <30 Arcsec

Data connection:  RS232 / RS485, asynchr., 7 DataBits, 2 StopBits, no parity, 9600 bps

Wireless option:  Bluetooth® ISM Band / 2,4000 – 2,4835 GHz

Batteries (lifetime):  2 x size C, total Voltage 3 V maximum; primary types, NiMH, NiCd, NiZn (ca. 20 hrs)

External power supply:  +24 V DC

Dimension housing + net weight: Cast iron, rust-protected: 150 x 150 x 40 mm / 3.450 kg  

Aluminum, black hard anodized: 150 x 150 x 40 mm / 1.500 kg

Temperature range:  0 °C to + 40 °C

CE conformity:  Fulfills emission and immunity requirements

Tags: clinometer

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