Extruline Laser Micrometer

Product Details
The Extruline series offers both a single axis and dual axis laser micrometer. The single axis micrometer is offered in three standard diameter measurement ranges; 40, 80 and 200mm. Repeatability for the Extruline 40, is ± 0.1μm (0.000004’). The Extruline dual axis (x,y) gauge is offered in three standard sizes, 13mm, 35mm and 80mm. Repeatability for the 13mm micrometer is 0.08μm (0.000003’).
For the extrusion process, each laser micrometer comes with standard extrusion software inside the controller. The software is designed to control the diameter and automatically regulate the extrusion process. The software provides for process regulation and statistics. Function keys and menus are used in a simplified manner to select the desired functions and for entering numerical values. By adding the transparent software module, the Extruline series can also measure glass pipes and medical tubing.
??Laser system for on-line diameter measurement and automatic extrusion control.
How does it work?
The Extruline.X system is based on an Xactum laser gauge, installed at the exit of the extruder, which measures the external diameter of the product
The measured average diameter is continuously compared
with the nominal value pre-set by the operator: if the product size is going out of the pre-set limits, the Extruline.X software automatically corrects the extruder so that the product is always within the desired tolerance limits.
The measured data are displayed on the screen of a CE-100 Operator Interface Panel, which is also used to program the system; in addition all measurements are recorded and processed to get a complete statistical report which can be immediately printed to prove the product Quality.
Any sudden change in the product diameter is detected as a Flaw: the position of each flaw along the product length is stored in the system memory , in order to print a Flaw location Report for each spool.
The main functions of the Extruline.X system are:
• Measurement and display the external diameter;
• Out-of-tolerance alarms;
• Regulation of the extrusion process;
• Flaw detection and location along the spool;
• Processing and printing of statistical reports;
• Interfacing with a remote computer