Portable Hardness Tester, Low Range Non-Ferrous With Vickers Pyramid Test Block 53-760-006

The simplicity of the Fowler Tester enables it to be used in almost any direction, preferably vertically, without affecting accuracy. Grips depressed by using palms of hands. Hardness value read off scale directly. No need for microscopic measurement of the indentation or reference to conversion tables. Operators cannot overload instrument or influence reading by varying applied hand pressure. Reading obtained is completely dependent on the specially designed preloaded springs in the tester. Repeatability is excellent; calibration can be checked against reference test block supplied with instrument. If necessary, the indentor adjusting bush can easily reset to give the exact test block reading.
• Suitable for use on ferrous and nonferrous metals from small diameter rods to large surfaces.
• Special bases available for use on small diameters or large radii.
• Stand accepts tester in a firm clamp, and table in stand is raised vertically to meet diamond indentor by means of pressure on a simple lever device
• Special “V” base on each stand checks the hardness of round parts
• Overall dimensions of 3″ x 6″ (75mm x 150mm).
• Mechanical tester uses special preloaded springs, providing a load of about 14.3 lbs.(6.5 kg) for the 53-760-001, 002 and 005 to the diamond
• For 53-760-006 the load is 8.8 lbs. (4 kg). For 53-760-007, load is 35.2 lbs. (16 kg)
• When taking hardness reading, springs operating against diamond assembly are balanced against hardness of specimen, i.e., the harder the part being tested, the more movement is affected between diamond point and datum face of unit.
• Movement is transmitted through a direct mechanical linkage to the gage head where a movement of .0001″ (.0025mm) at the diamond is amplified to approximately .250″ (6.35mm) of rotary movement at the tip of the pointer. Maximum penetration of diamond into specimen is .005″ (.125mm)
• Price includes operating instructions, a test block, adjusting wrenches and hardwood case
Brinell 40-300
Vickers Pyramid 40-300